Gitopia v4 Software Upgrade

Important Notes for Validators

Proposal link

This is a significant upgrade that includes major version updates to core dependencies. Node operators should be prepared for potential challenges during the upgrade process.


  1. Back up your data before attempting the upgrade.
  2. Monitor the #mainnet-validators channel on Discord for real-time support during the upgrade process.
  3. If you encounter issues, do not restart your node mid-upgrade unless absolutely necessary. Reach out to the community for support first.


The Gitopia v4.0.0 release is a major update that will follow the standard governance process. A software upgrade proposal will be submitted on the Gitopia blockchain for voting.

Upon approval of the governance vote, validators will be required to update the Gitopia binary at the halt-height specified in the on-chain proposal.

Proposed Release Contents

The focus of this release is upgrading core dependencies and introducing new features. Key changes include:

  1. Upgrade cosmos-sdk to v0.47.13
  2. Upgrade ibc-go to v7.4.0
  3. Upgrade cometbft to v0.37.6
  4. Upgrade Go version to 1.21
  5. Enable Interchain Accounts
  6. Add end-to-end tests
  7. Fix output stream of gitopiad binary
  8. Migrate params of SDK modules
  9. Fix genesis time in Gitopia params
  10. Add localnet docker compose config with chain, faucet, git server, graph indexer, and rewards service

These upgrades align Gitopia with the latest standards in the Cosmos ecosystem and introduce new capabilities such as Interchain Accounts.


The v4.0.0 release has undergone thorough testing, including newly added end-to-end tests.

Potential risk factors

While extensive testing has been conducted, there’s always a risk of unforeseen issues arising from new features or dependency upgrades. In case of serious problems, validators should halt network operations immediately.

Coordination with validators will occur in the #mainnet-validators channel on Discord to create and execute a contingency plan if needed. This may involve an emergency release with fixes or reverting to the previous stable version of Gitopia.

Upgrade block height

The upgrade is scheduled at block height 24330422 which is approximately around 2024-08-30 14:00:00+00:00.

Governance votes

The following summarizes the voting options for this proposal:

  • YES - You agree that Gitopia should be updated with this release.
  • NO - You disagree that Gitopia should be updated with this release.
  • NO WITH VETO - You believe this proposal is spam, infringes on minority interests, or violates governance rules. If ‘NoWithVeto’ votes exceed 1/3 of total votes, the proposal is rejected and deposits are burned.
  • ABSTAIN - You contribute to the quorum but decline to vote for or against the proposal.

We encourage all stakeholders to carefully review this proposal and participate in the governance process.