Basics of git for the community

Basic git commands

git init: Initializes a brand new Git repository and begins tracking an existing directory. It adds a hidden subfolder within the existing directory that houses the internal data structure required for version control.

git clone: Creates a local copy of a project that already exists remotely. The clone includes all the project’s files, history, and branches.

git add: Snapshots the file in preparation for versioning, adding it to the staging area.

git commit: Records file snapshots permanently in the version history.

git status: Shows the status of changes as untracked, modified, or staged.

git branch: Shows the branches being worked on locally.

git checkout: Switches to the specified branch and updates the working directory.

git merge : Merges lines of development together. This command is typically used to combine changes made on two distinct branches.

git pull: Updates the local line of development with updates from its remote counterpart. Developers use this command if a teammate has made commits to a branch on a remote, and they would like to reflect those changes in their local environment.

git push: Updates the remote repository with any commits made locally to a branch.

git remote -v :Show the associated remote repositories and their stored name.

git tag: Tag specific points in a repository’s history.

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